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Maya Angelou's Harlem Hopscotch

I can listen to Maya Angelou's Harlem Hopscotch again and again, days in, days out... and the dance draw me in even more... 

This poem had been studied extensively. Oprah Winfrey's team did a wonderful work in offering it as an inspiring dance story on video.

What are your feelings about this poem, its message and, how it is rendered on video?

Please take a moment to share your thoughts on Maya Angelou's Harlem Hopscotch.

Like Maya Angelou says herself... Everything in the universe has rhythm, everything dances...

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I hope you dance | We Are One

I'm Turenne / Tilarenn. I welcome you warmly in this journey through dance, path of the universal wellness that is movement, with inspirations to fully stir our vital energy and dance your soul.

dance your soul as free as the raw vital energies of children...
Dance, stir your vital energy and Be in every moment!
 Author: Me

VIEW: In each text, capture the vital and creative energy that best convey Soul Dance for your delight. 

 Let us Hear you in a comment below...

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